Friday, July 15, 2005


Artikel ini dicari, karena Bunda pingin banget nge-warna-in rambut. Banyak orang bilang dalam Islam boleh-boleh aja. Tapi Bunda masih bingung, menurut pengertian Bunda, boleh (karena jamdul kan belum ada cat rambut model sekarang! Kalo jam-dul kan, warnainnya pake pewarna alamiah githu!!!) tapi pewarna-nya gimana dulu?

Nah, untuk itu Bunda berusaha cari-cari info tentang cara kerja pewarna rambut. Ini hasilnya pencarian Bunda di suatu situs.

What Exactly Is Hair?
Typical mammalian hair consists of the shaft, protruding above the skin, and the root, which is sunk in a follicle, or pit, beneath the skin surface. Except for a few growing cells at the base of the root, the hair is dead tissue and is composed of keratin and related proteins. The hair follicle is a tubelike pocket of the epidermis, that encloses a small section of the dermis at its base. Human hair is formed by rapid divisions of cells at the base of the follicle. As the cells are pushed upward from the follicle's base, they harden and undergo pigmentation.

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